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These are the triggers that define when and when not to trigger an autocomplete lookup.


  • AutocompleteTriggers




  • Creates an AutocompleteTrigger object for you, based on AutocompleteTrigger defaults and the overrides provided as a param.


    • triggers: AutocompleteTriggers = ...

      The trigger defined here will override the default AutocompleteTrigger.

    Returns AutocompleteTriggers


Optional maxSuggestionsChanged

maxSuggestionsChanged: boolean

Whether or not an autocomplete lookup should be done when the maxSuggestions setting is changed.

Note: Requires queryChanged to be true.

Optional queryChange

queryChange: boolean

Turns on or off all query-related triggers.

Optional queryChangeDelay

queryChangeDelay: number

Delay triggers until changes has not been made to the query for a certain time (milliseconds). This is to avoid executing searches constantly while the user is typing.

The queryChangeInstantRegex has precedence. This delay is only considered when that regex doesn't match. Set value to less than zero to make sure we only trigger when the queryChangeInstantRegex matches.

Note: Requires queryChanged to be true. Note: Requires query to be longer than queryMinLength.

Optional queryChangeInstantRegex

queryChangeInstantRegex: RegExp

Triggers action immediately instead of delayed when the query matches the regex.

Note: Requires queryChange to be true. Note: Requires query to be longer than queryChangeMinLength.

Default: Trigger on first whitespace after non-whitespace

Optional queryChangeMinLength

queryChangeMinLength: number

Min length before triggering.

Note: Requires queryChange to be true.

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