Returns all known categories. Typically only suitable for public indexes (no permissions).
Server-side execution returns the full precalculated category-tree, without considering the user's permissions or hits.
Note: This requires a config-setting to be enabled on the server side index, as it will reveal all categories for any end-user.
Returns categories with hits only.
Returns only categories with hits. This setting in effect reduces the number of categories each time a category-filter is added.
Server-side execution does apply category-filters in the categorize() call.
Returns all categories that the user can access for the given queryText.
Server-side execution does not apply category-filters in the categorize() call.
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Defines the different categorization-types that can be used (modes).
This affects only the category-tree that is returned. The generated match-list will always have the set category-filters applied and will not be affected by this setting.
Note: Hidden filters are always applied, no matter the value of this setting.